
Showing posts from March, 2021


PARLE-G FACTORY: I first visited Parle-G factory when i was in 6th standard. This factory visit was conducted  by our school  to get us knowledge about how biscuits are made in factory. At morning around 9:00 am we arrived at the factory. The factory manager escorted us by showing different machine and how it was made, the workers were also freindly towards us. The smell of biscuits  was all around the factory and road etc. We can still get the refreshing smell of biscuits. Even if we were 2-3 km away from the factory. The factory manager handed us biscuit packet to all our class. It was my great  experience to visit this parle factory and we even got to taste the biscuits.  HOW IT WAS FOUNDED? Parle Products company was founded in 1929, in British India by the Vile family of Vile Parle in Bombay. Parle-G factory started making biscuits in 1939. When India became independent in 1947, the Parle-G company launched an ad campaign showcasing its gluco biscuits as an Indian alternative t